Airsoft Faq

Frequently Asked Questions


The Path of Becoming a great Airsoft Player comes with a lot of questions that we’ll try to answer in this section. 

Airsoft Rules

What does fps mean in Airsoft

what does fps mean in airsoft? What does FPS stand for? Introduction: FPS stands for every second on one foot for sure, as it is fairly fast once a person shoots, FPS is a term

Airsoft Recoil

Why Do Airsoft Guns Have No Recoil?

Why Do Airsoft Guns Have No Recoil? Introduction: When people ask me ‘why do airsoft guns have no recoil’, I tell them that is the wrong question. Because airsoft guns do have recoil. But the

Airsoft sidearm

Why Sidearm Is Important In Airsoft?

Why Sidearm Is Important In Airsoft? Introduction: Sidearms are usually pretty expensive. Especially if you compare them to the primary weapons. So we airsofters often hesitate to buy them. Is it worth the money? Do

Load Airsoft Gun

How to Load Airsoft Gun in 3 Easy Steps

How to Load Airsoft Gun in 3 Easy Steps Introduction: Exactly how to load an airsoft gun? Today in this article we are going to find out that in simple steps. You might be just

Airsoft Legal Issues

Legal Issues in Airsoft: Where Is Airsoft Legal?

Legal Issues In Airsoft Where Is Airsoft Legal? Introduction: Airsoft is a team shooting sport via the players use the replica of real-world weapon.  It’s one of the most interactive sports. Airsoft is originated in

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